The skies over Vulkaris darken as the heavens split with an otherworldly crack, as a roar rips across the continent. It does not take long for the source of this calamity to reveal itself as a super-massive nullstone meteor shower. These stones, cold and unyielding, descend across the land – nullifying magic wherever they touch, unraveling spells and breaking enchantments as easily as a blade cuts flesh.
Across the continent, eyes turn upward, watching in awe and terror as the meteorites rain down. They strike mountains, forests, and seas, each impact sending tremors through the land. For some, this is an opportunity. For others, it marks the beginning of a new nightmare.
Cithrik Spire’s Doom
Far to the east, a single huge nullstone plummets from the storm, blotting out the sky as it descends toward the towering Cithrik Spire. The mountain surrounding the spire trembles under the sheer gravitational force of the stone as it nears. The Skaven shriek in terror, racing through the spire’s depths as they scramble to fortify their hold over the surrounding lands.
But it is too late.
With a deafening impact, the nullstone smashes into the lonely mountain that plays host to the Realmgate linked to Hysh. The gate is torn apart the magical connection severed in an instant. Light from the Hyshian Realmgate fades, swallowed by dust and ruin as the mountain itself collapses. And as a wave of destruction ripples outward, sending shockwaves across the land, the Cithrik Spire, is shattered into so much rubble.
The Skaven of Clan Verminus, who had once dominated the region with their endless hordes, are scattered. Some are buried in the rubble, while others flee into the desolation that follows. The Cithrik Spire is no more, its power base reduced to ruin.
The Shining Plateaus below, where countless battles raged, lie choked with the debris of the fallen spire. The once-bright lands of Hysh’s influence fall into shadow and silence, the Realmgate forever closed.
An Unveiling
Rimward, a barrage of smaller nullstone meteorites strikes the Ash Storms, long shrouded by the dark, swirling clouds of Ulgu’s magic. The stones pierce through the arcane fog, unraveling the powerful shadowy storms that had concealed the machinations of Clan Eshin for so long.
Light – pale and dim – begins to filter through the thinning clouds, casting strange shadows on the forest floor. Hidden fortresses, once cloaked by darkness, are now exposed. The intricate networks of Clan Eshin’s assassins, warlocks, trap-makers and throat-slitters and are laid bare, their secretive strongholds vulnerable for the first time since this war began.
Within moments, the Skaven spring into action, desperate to preserve their hold on not only their Spire, but of the nearby the Ulguian Realmgate. Warpstone reactors hum with life as they pour energy into the gate, trying to counteract the nullification spreading across their domain. The realmgate flickers and pulses, its stability threatened by the scattered nullstones that now litter the Ash Storms.
Untouched Caverns
Beneath the earth, the Metallic Caverns escape the direct impact of the storm. Sheltered by rock, ocean, and molten earth, the caverns hum with the energy of the “divine nexus” created by the Templars of Our Burning Saviour. For now, the caverns remain hidden from the nullstone’s reach.
However, word of the meteorites spreads. Those who seek to bring down the Skaven or destroy the Nexus now have the tools to do so. Nullstones, capable of breaking even the most powerful enchantments, offer a deadly advantage to those brave enough to venture into the caverns’ depths.
Warbands, adventurers, and sorcerers alike begin to hunt for the fallen stones, hoping to use them to cripple the chaotic power surging through the caverns. The Skaven, too, prepare for what they know is coming: a fight to keep their machines and war engines operational as the forces of order and destruction converge on their stronghold.
The Red Forest Endures
Coreward, the Red Forest, recently growing with abandon through the magic of Ghyran, feels the impact of the nullstone storm in a different way. As one of the larger meteorites descends, it crashes into the heart of the Ghyran Realmgate, its immense power severing the magical connection that fed the vibrant forest. The once-glistening gate, surrounded by plump trees that grew from magma-rich soil, crumbles under the nullstone’s weight, destroyed in an instant.
Yet the forest itself does not die. Freed from the overabundance of Ghyran’s wild magic, the forest’s growth slows, returning to a more natural pace. The creatures and plants that have thrived in this strange land continue to live, adapting to the new, more stable balance between fire and life.
The Duardin survivors of the ancient Karvul Lodge, hidden for decades beneath the canopy of the Red Forest, now emerge victorious from their battles with the Skaven. Although the Realmgate has been destroyed, and the Skaven threat has diminished, the Slekit Spire still stands… though, for how long?
The Aftermath
As the Nullstone meteorite storm passes, the continent of Vulkaris is left scarred. The destruction of Cithrik Spire has shaken the east, while the Ash Storms have been weakened, exposing Clan Eshin’s dark schemes to the world. In the Metallic Caverns, whispers of impending conflict grow louder, as the nullstones present a dangerous new weapon against the forces entrenched below. And in the Red Forest, the land has begun to stabilize, though its connection to Ghyran is lost.
New alliances and rivalries emerge in the wake of the storm. The factions that had grown powerful through magic now face a new reality – one where nullstone may tip the balance of power. Across Vulkaris, the hunt for these stones begins in earnest, and the landscape of war shifts once again.
The following paths and Endings are no longer available to players within the Vulkaris campaign.