OverviewDeperon is a prominent city along the Greysword Coast, infamous for being repeatedly conquered by disparate factions. A former city that was nearly destroyed by monsters and orruk warclans during the Age of Chaos, with the survivors scattering. They were...
An Alpha Omega Hobby Local Event:
Welcome to the main page of the Alpha Omega Hobby Warcry League. It is all about Ghur, the Realm of Beasts.
This is your one-stop-shop where campaign information is listed, events are posted and players can update their position in the League and submit their creations.
Many warbands are traveling to the Realm of Beasts in search of treasure and the location of leylines where Ghur magic concentrates. Some locations are particularly saturated with both, and of these, one is surrounded by many, many realm gates. Welcome to the Furyoth Dell, valley of the raging gates.
This is your gateway into the Realm of Beasts.
Let the fight begin!
Each player will play games to independently advance in their quest, gain artefacts and command traits, and dominate more territory to increase the warriors they can muster.
They can score the progress of their warband through the form on this page, as well as share their creations and army narrative here.
Play at any time, against any one, how many times you want, and update your results here. Warcry’s freeform campaign mode accommodates all this.
Organized play events will also happen at Alpha Omega Hobby from time to time, where players can all join at the same time and meet each other, and play special battles and settle grudges.
- Multiplayer team battles
- Multiplayer Triumph & Treachery battle royale
- Gladiator Arena battles
- Monster Hunting battles
- Siege battles
The current League leader whenever an event happens gets to be the reigning warlord of the event: they will get to throw their weight around, coordinate a team of players, and make important decisions about the layout of gaming tables.
The Era of the Beast has come to the Mortal realms, and it has affected the Realm of Ghur more than any other. Tectonic plates and walking forests are quickly on the move, changing the shape of the realm and revealing locations and secrets hidden long ago. Furthermore, a series of anomalies are causing realmgates to re-route to new locations, and previously sealed realmgates have flared back to life. And in the aggressive continent of Rhondol, nestled between the Mountains of Maraz and a number of realmgates and other magical passages, is a valley that has been hidden for a long time, but no more.
The Furyoth Dell. Home to wild monsters and ruins from an ancient civilization from the Age of Myth. Hidden away for centuries by the jungle and the shifting mountains, it is now exposed and connected to the wider realms by a convergence of realmgates in this region, leading to all over the Mortal Realms… glitchy realmgates of all things, that can change destination without warning.
And voices are calling within dreams, whispers and glowing eyes peering from the gates, leading ambitious treasure seekers and would-be conquerors to travel and start making a claim to the valley.
This campaign is part of the Tapestry of Fate, a collaborative multi-event storyline created by NEOs (Narrative Event Organizers) from across the world.
18 June 2022
- Warbands converge on the deepest ruins of the Dell, lured in by dreams and tantalizing eyes, glowing across the threshold of realmgates.
- Under the promise of treasure and wealth they keep going forward, but they will have to fight other contenders to claim it.
To be decided
- To be decided.
1) Make a Narrative Campaign Warband. You can start your warband roster as a regular campaign warband (Core Rules), or as a Champion Mode warband (Tome of Champions 2019).
2) Pick a Quest. Choose from among those your warband has access to, from any Warcry publication. If the quest refers to a location in the Eightpoints and its denizens, just re-imagine/re-adjust the details to refer to the Realm of Beasts, or have your warband cross a realmgate to the eightpoints or a location in Ghur near one.
3) Play a game. Organize a game with a fellow player at Alpha Omega Hobby, through the shop’s Discord server or Facebook Community Group (just post a request and you will get an answer). Battle it out using whatever battleplan format you want: discuss with your opponent if you want to use cards, random tables, matched play battleplans, Challenge Battles, etc; except for your Convergence Battles (which already have full instructions on how to set them up).
4) Process your Aftermath Sequence after the battle. Collect any campaign benefits, score your aftermath injuries, earn Glory Points, roll for Lesser Artefacts, dominate Territory and hire/fire any fighters as required, as usual for campaign play.
5) Submit your scores on this website. When you have time, before your next game, visit the League Scoring Form on this webpage (scroll to the top of the page) to update your scores.
Dominated territories, Magical Artefacts and Command Traits Earned.
Your Player Creations (see below) will also be used to count to your score.
If you register with your gmail in the form, you will have been sent a link that you can re-use to update your information every time, otherwise just fill it up again.
6) Scoreboard reveal. Your League score will be tallied and listed here, as well as on the Alpha Omega Discord and Facebook Group. The warlords of the Dell can check their warband’s status in the League here.
These are the player’s warbands and their claims to the Realm of Ghur.
The current League leader, whenever an organized event happens, gets to be the reigning warlord of the event: they will get to throw their weight around, coordinate a team of players, and make important decisions about the layout of gaming tables.
This is where creations from players show up after they submit them. Post here your army background narrative, short stories, battle reports or newly finished models. Anyone can consult them, leave comments, and ask to collaborate on their narratives, including other users of The Great Weave from around the world.
When you submit a creation, it’ll appear both in The Great Weave’s Ghur Realm page, as well as on this page below, for all to see!
In the submissions page, use the categories below to ensure your creation ends up in the right place here.
Overview Vanderhal is a militant Free City that guards an incredibly important chokepoint on the border of the Greenblood Bowl between the Great Chasm and the Eternity's Edge Mountains. Built between a literal rock and a hard place, it has been established first and...
Drawn to the Furyoth Dell
Artwork by Jin-joon Park.______________________"Don't worry, ma. I'm coming for you. I won't let anything hur-""SHUT UP! Leave me alone, you're NOT MY SON!"Aldeena woke screaming, drenched in sweat. It took a few seconds for the light of Hysh in the Ghurian morning to...
Never played Narrative Games before, or feel a little anxious about them?
When you’re playing a narrative game, the key thing is to talk to your opponent. Make sure you both agree on the rules of the game as well as the narrative you are hoping to tell together. We recommend using the “Narrative Play” rules, but you can still have a rewarding experience if you have “Open Play” or “Matched Play” games.
Now that that’s out of the way, here are some very general ideas you could incorporate. If you’ve ever been to a narrative event, these might look familiar to you! These are in no particular order, and they are not campaign rules.
The Rule of Interesting
Use every game as a plot point. Promote your army’s, General’s, and Alliance’s objectives. Affect the story and the rest of the campaign by communicating both to your opponent during a game, and with others outside of the games. Make your army memorable! You’re awesome, and others think you’re awesome, so share stuff!
The Rule of Making Stuff Up
Want your army to do something not covered in the rules? Magic ritual? Dig up trenches? Sacrifice a prisoner? Talk to your opponent (or GM if you have one) and see if it can be arranged. Be flexible when you get similar requests or ideas.
The Rule of Collaboration
What happens between games can be as important as what happens during games. Collaborate: with your team, with the GM or campaign creator, with your rivals! Ask questions, take risks! Make alliances, and backstab people.
The Rule of a Cool Story
Your games are stories. Your goal for each game should be to co-create that story alongside your opponent, keeping your various Quest goals in mind. When in doubt, do what feels cool for your army. In-game Objectives be damned. The winners in Narrative Play are those who get the most laughs or applause from their crazy actions, not those who win the most games. If the player who ‘lost’ the game goes away excited with how it all unfolded, you’ve hit the mark!
If you’re new to the Great Weave There are many ways to get involved!
Explore the story so far
Much has happened before you, feel free to explore the various narratives that are currently being tracked within The Great Weave
Join us!
Do you have an enemy you’d like to see within The Weave? How about a Creature, or a custom city or location? You can add the to The Weave, submit below, and we’ll get you set right up!
Arise Hero!
Sign up now and have your character join in on the unfolding narrative of The Great Weave. Beware though, the Mortal Realms are a dangerous place, and many enemies abound!