Annabeth Chase
Annabeth Chase is an Akhelian Emissary and member of the Dreamseed. Hailing fro Ghyran, her connection with the life of the sea is very important to her
Have you met Annabeth Chase while within The Great Weave? Or have something to add to her story? Do that here!
Spreading Words of Fire
With some effort, Xshaeta wedged their battleaxe free from the skull of the Saurus warrior lying at the two-headed Tzaangor's feet.It has been days of the Seraphon harassing them, attacking from different directions, tying the Templars down in melee, preventing them...
Templar Champions Isthubar the Steadfast and Xshaeta the Observant
The Templar Champions Isthubar the Steadfast and Xshaeta the Observant are the two-headed Tzaangor in command of the expedition force of the Templars of Our Burning Saviour into Vulkaris.
Led by visions brought by Flames Isthubar and Xshaeta chart their way through the ruined kingdom, striving for some divine goal yet not fully clear.
Orthes Maravar
a Excelsior warrior priest, member of the order of Azyr