Arras Danathan
Coming from the great nation of Syar in Hysh, Arras is the heir of the noble house of Danathan. He is the charismatic and brave leader of the 7th Legion of Syar, and considered to be a military genius by his peers. While a genius on the battlefield, his political and diplomatic abilities are below average, and he has found himself betrayed more often than he had liked to. To remedy these shortcomings Arras often seeks the advise of his trusted second in command, the Scinari Cathallar Felosial or his father Lord Efferil Danathan.

In his last campaign, Arras failed to complete his objective. For this failure, the Mage-Council of Syar had decided that Arras should be banished to the mostly abandoned fortress of Tor Hartast. Arras is tasked with the rebuilding of this fortress and pacifying the region. He is not to return to the capital, Ar-Ennascath, until he has finished this task or when a hundred years has passed. Arras will have to do this without the help of his second-in-command, Felosial, as she has been given another task by Arras’ father.
So now Arras will have to rely on his own abilities, and unfortunately for him, not every problem can be fixed with fighting. Arras will have to overcome his own weaknesses or he will not succeed in Tor Hartast.
Longer Story or Backstory: Born in Ar-Ennascath, the capital of the Great Nation of Syar in Hysh, Arras is the only child of Lord Efferil Danathan. Arras never knew his mother, as she wasn’t around when he grew up and his father never talked about her.
From a young age, Arras showed talent in fighting and had an eye for detail and planning, all traits useful for a general. He was, however, not adept in magic, which his teachers blamed on the fact that Arras wasn’t good in controlling his emotions. This meant that a political career in Syar’s magocracy was going to be difficult, if not impossible. So Arras entered the Syar Military Academy. While this was considered a lesser route in Syar, he still managed to make a name for himself within Syar, thanks to his excellent understanding of military tactics and accomplishments on the battlefield.
Because Arras wasn’t skilled in the magical ways, his father decided to take in an apprentice. This is how Felosial entered Arras’ life. At first, Arras was quite jealous of the attention Felosial received from his father, but as years went by they grew closer and formed a strong friendship. When Arras joined the Military Academy, Felosial joined the Cathallar order. In this period of time and for another several years they lost contact, while both focused on their respective studies and duties. As luck would have it, they were reunited when the 7th Legion was created, with Arras gaining command and Felosial being assigned as the designated Cathallar.
Recently, the 7th Legion was sent to the region of Lake Bykaal in Shyish to retake an Enlightenment Engine stolen by the forces of Chaos. Here he was sucked into a larger war that was being fought over the lake by several factions. Arras joined with the faction called the Expedition, led by Anruil Brighteyes. The Expedition was a task force sent by the city of Hammerhal to pacify the region around a recently discovered Realmgate between Ghyran and Shyish. Arras hoped on the support of this Expedition in retrieving the Enlightenment Engine. While Arras led his forces to several victories in this campaign, his own naivety and lack in diplomatic skills led to him being betrayed two times, which eventually cost him his personal objective and a large loss in manpower.
Returning to Syar in failure, Arras expected to be relieved from command and demoted by the council of Mages in Ar-Ennascath. Instead, the council chooses to disband the 7th and banish Arras to the fortress Tor-Hartast, which is considered to be the same as a death sentence, since that region is ravaged by nearby Skaven, Beasts, Gitz, and pirates. Luckily Arras doesn’t have to do this alone, as a large part of the surviving members of the 7th joined him in his exile and joined the depleted garrison of Tor-Hartast, unofficially recreating the 7th Legion outside of council influences.
Unbeknownst to Arras himself is that the reason he was banished was through his father’s influences. His father, Efferil, is a prominent member of the mage council of Syar. He used his son’s failure as a political stepping stone by suggesting the banishment instead of the usual punishment, gaining the reputation of a man that puts the need for the city before the needs of his family. Efferil also made sure that Felosial couldn’t join Arras by sending her to help the Anvilgard Resistance as an advisor. The underlying reason for these actions is to strengthen the House of Danathan. Arras will either come out stronger from this ordeal by overcoming his weaknesses, or die and be replaced by someone that is worthy of holding the Danathan name.
Now Arras will have to use and hone all his skills if he wants to survive in Tor Hartast, and rebuild the 7th Legion back into a fighting force. While the task may seem hard, with enemies surrounding him on all sides, the region is still inhabited by aelves. Those aelves that managed to survive in this region are hardy folk, and will make ideal recruits, and we should not forget the fortress of Tor Hartast. While it might be in a state of disrepair at the moment, if Arras manages to rebuild the fortress, he got a strong beachhead that he can use to pacify the region.
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