Banoffee Eatter
Banoffee is an Aelf that hails from Ulgu, mysterious as she is strong, she is the newest addition to Team Sparkles, but by far the most magically inclined. Be aware though, she is quite fond of through acid bombs in the direction of those she finds… annoying.
surrender or die
On the way to lay siege to New Edessa the horned scythe was discovered a rogue beastmen Brayherd camped in the way of the March so Qushroc The Plaguebreath sent a envoy to persuade the beastmen to move out of the way or die but the envoy was slaughter and had his head...
Cold-blooded obstacles
With a quick sidestep and rotation to the right, Templar Champion Escarosht the Ardent dodged the bladed club of his opponent. He let himself fall back, getting more distance between him and the Saurus warrior before him.Seraphon were still a mystery to him. So...
The Eastern Indigo Theatre
As Ephilim rose in power and destroyed many of the rival Tzeentchian Factions, such as the Indigo Permanent Assurance, this has left a power vacuum for other powers can exploit. However one should always be careful around a nest of Tzeentchians (Can’t be done if doing the Desraki Theatre)