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Barak-Hirn, City of Heralds


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The City of Heralds, Barak-Hirn, is located in an aetherstream above the Sea of Scholars. It is most known for its bustling antiquities market and for the curated displays, guarded and open to the public during business hours, of its Great Kronhall, Zagaz-Thragh.

The skyfarers of Barak-Hirn value knowledge of the realms, and while most artifact-hunters would simply be satiated by the acquisition of the prize itself, these duardin pride themselves in collecting and recording the context of such items. After all, a decorated pot at auction may only fetch a price based on a buyer’s taste, but a storied decorated pot would fetch an even higher price based on a buyer’s awakened imagination. For this reason, Barak-Hirn is also known as the City of Storytellers. (Or sometimes the City of Windbags.)

As most auction halls double as beer halls, Barak-Hirn also contains a healthy brewing industry and an artisan market for drinking horns. The guild-company headquarters of claimants to the Bugman legacy, The Sons of Bugman Alchaeology Expedition Company, are located here.

Zagaz-Thragh, The Great Kronhall of Barak-Hirn

“In ruin, opportunity.” – Curator-Magnate Havard Erkansson

A museum of antiquities from across the Mortal Realms, curated didactically into rotating exhibits. While on the surface such exhibition changes ensure continued public interest in visiting and paying the viewing fee, the main reasons are for security and marketing. Many of the collections shown in the Zagaz-Thragh are placed on auction after it is ensured that the public would envy anyone who personally owned a piece of that collection, and so it is paramount that the displays change regularly to throw off would-be thieves, especially those who would claim tenuous ancestral ownership of certain items.

The Curator-Magnate of the Zagaz-Thragh tends to be the most mehretous admiral in the skyport, with storied feats of archaeology, alechaeology, and salvage under them.  At present, the Curator-Magnate of Barak-Hirn is Havard Erkansson.

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Do not destroy without permission; you can mention or use Barak-Hirn and persons of Barak-Hirn as NPCs for your Soulbound games or other works, but do not make any changes to their lore. In case you want to make a character a part of this skyport and listed on the page, message me on discord: Crownary#9387

Soulbound Doom Level: 3

Warcry Twist Rules:

Tales of treasures hidden just beyond in this place have given you cause to muster all your resources for this battle.

At the start of each hero phase, you receive 2 wild dice instead of 1.

Realm Rules:

The Alchemist’s Moon

Anvrok’s Alchemist’s Moon hangs heavy in the sky, and as it waxes and wanes it affects battlefields lit by its nimbus light.

At the start of the first battle round roll a dice and refer to the list below: the result applies until the next battle round, when the next result on the table replaces it for a round, and so on.

1) New Moon: Add 1 to all save rolls.
2) Crescent Moon: Add 1 to all hit rolls.
3) Quarter Moon Moon: Add 1 to all wound rolls.
4) Half Moon: Add 1 to all casting rolls.
5) Gibbous Moon: Double the range of all spells.
6) Full Moon: Double the number of mortal wounds inflicted by spells that cause mortal wounds.


Do not destroy without permission; you can mention or use Barak-Hirn and persons of Barak-Hirn as NPCs for your Soulbound games or other works, but do not make any changes to their lore. In case you want to make a character a part of this skyport and listed on the page, message me on discord: Crownary#9387

Soulbound Doom Level: 3

Warcry Twists:

Tales of treasures hidden just beyond in this place have given you cause to muster all your resources for this battle.

At the start of each hero phase, you receive 2 wild dice instead of 1.

Region of War Rules:

The Alchemist’s Moon

Anvrok’s Alchemist’s Moon hangs heavy in the sky, and as it waxes and wanes it affects battlefields lit by its nimbus light.

At the start of the first battle round roll a dice and refer to the list below: the result applies until the next battle round, when the next result on the table replaces it for a round, and so on.

1) New Moon: Add 1 to all save rolls.
2) Crescent Moon: Add 1 to all hit rolls.
3) Quarter Moon Moon: Add 1 to all wound rolls.
4) Half Moon: Add 1 to all casting rolls.
5) Gibbous Moon: Double the range of all spells.
6) Full Moon: Double the number of mortal wounds inflicted by spells that cause mortal wounds.

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