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A scouting party of The Blood Wolves discover a large number of the Raven God forces preparing for war near the fort, clawpoint, so they decide to raid their supplies and destroy their equipment. Guarding their supplies was a warband called The Prismatic Deceivers who were forging their arcane weapons ready for their attack against the Desraki Dominion, but they were attacked before they were able to start their foul work by The Blood Wolves scouts. The objective was to kill their leader and then they could take their supplies with them before they could summon reinforcements to aid them in a quick but brutal clash, leaving over half of the blood wolves dead or injured But The Prismatic Deceivers leader was killed. The rest were either killed or they ran away like the cowards they truly are, but the crimson wolf  had its feast of blood and skull to quell its thirst for a moment. 

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