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Revenge of Rondhol Player Stories

The Latest in the "Revenge of Rondhol Player Stories" Weaving

Chronicles of Grey Company

Rhondol CampaignChronicle of Khardihr City Guard,Grey Company     Lieutenant Hollistan is dead.        As is customary with City Guard units, we rotate about the city and outlying territories under...

Lure of the Depths

Inside an old clocktower, the Tzaangor had made camp.Morale was flailing, she could feel it, as she walked through their ranks, even if they pretended to treat the Archprophetess with as much...

Beneath the bog

The Templars slowly marched through the bogwater.The others were alert, weapons drawn, always surveying their surroundings looking for looming dangers. Their scouts had told of Kruleboyz sightings...

Briars under Stormy Skies

The Revenge of RondholThe Shattered Temple Briars under Stormy SkiesShe and her sisters weave through the undergrowth, like the stealthiest of pack hunters, the entire warband disturbing not a leaf...

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