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Revenge of Rondhol Player Stories

The Latest in the "Revenge of Rondhol Player Stories" Weaving

Struggling against the Jaw

"Excellent." Templar Captain Areshtur the Ardent hissed to his adjutant. They had the Seraphon just where they wanted them - they had not hesitated to follow the seemingly inferior force of Tzaangor...

interrogative the prisoners

Asarathu sit on the floor of his command tent in nothing but his small clothes the skull mask that hid his face normally lying on the ground abounded revealing man who handsome once before face was...

Stoking the Blood Stalk

The Gardenwell stretched as far as the eye could see. A lush paradise tucked away in the otherwise savage Furyoth Dell. Massive vines scattered across the picturesque scenery, dozens of which stood...

The line of power

They had formed a defensive circle.   This knight did not fight honourable, so much was certain. He did fancy himself one, as could be gathered from his boisterous challenges and war cries. A knight...

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