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Player Created Lore

The Latest in the "Player Created Lore" Weaving

Rise of the Queen

In the dark corners of the Impossible Fortress, forgotten by all save perhaps the Grand Conspirator, reside the memories of abandoned futures, the fragments of pasts unmade, and all the hopes and...


Halarus wasn’t a warrior.He wasn’t even a true wizard. The man was a quivering reservoir of public decrees and order. A man of law and pageantry. He learned to read from his father, a scholar, and...

Desraki Omens: Destruction

"Captain! We found a survivor."  The leader of the Desraki war party looked up from the maps in his tent. At the entrance stood one of his sergeants, backlir by the setting sun. Beside him was a...

Religion in the Desraki Dominion

"Peace... What a pretty name for a cancer. The Dominion's laws do not recognise such a thing. Truces? Yes. Peace? No. There are always more wars to wage." Meditations on Empire, allegedly authored...


Halarus wasn’t a warrior.He wasn’t even a true wizard. The man was a quivering reservoir of public decrees and order. A man of law and pageantry. He learned to read from his father, a scholar, and was urged by his mother for greater things through true understanding...

Desraki Omens: Destruction

"Captain! We found a survivor."  The leader of the Desraki war party looked up from the maps in his tent. At the entrance stood one of his sergeants, backlir by the setting sun. Beside him was a young soldier, armor pitted and scratched, whose body was thin with...

Religion in the Desraki Dominion

"Peace... What a pretty name for a cancer. The Dominion's laws do not recognise such a thing. Truces? Yes. Peace? No. There are always more wars to wage." Meditations on Empire, allegedly authored by Desraki Khrodes   In the Desraki Dominion, the only god that is...