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Heroes of the Weave

The Latest in the "Heroes of the Weave" Weaving

Glelch Flyborn

Mortal champion of Nurgle tasked with spreading the Emerald Blight, a disease that causes boils that explode into pools of vibrant green sludge. Septicux  the Alchemist, A Great Unclean One is the...

Eternal King Ptolemy

A true believer in Nagash, Ptolemy's armies clatter across the Mortal Realms, giving the choice to all they encounter: Kneel before death, or join him in it.  (Detailed lore to come)

The Gorewrought

The average Free City inhabitant’s image of the Blades of Khorne is that of brutish, musclebound warriors, possessed of fearsome bloodlust and a blind disregard for personal safety that sees them...

Varrag Da Wall

The story of Warboss Varrag leader of Da Skullkrushas, as told by his lieutenant Barrok One Leg.

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