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Heroes of the Weave

The Latest in the "Heroes of the Weave" Weaving

Améline the Anvil

Améline is a physically powerful Stormcast standing taller than Ogors, her might bolstered by centuries of experience fighting the worst enemies of Order and the divine storm barely contained in her body even at the best of times. Death holds no terror for her, and she is eternally willing to lay down her life for even the most meagre of causes, even after experiencing the consequences of Reforging first-hand. If she holds any dread of having her humanity stripped away from her, she has yet to show it to the world.

Mayor Ulf Cywin

Ulf Cywin grew up as an orphan in the poor quarter of Vorsprangs Bridge, the area known as Cherico. In his early years after his brother was sent to a penal battalion for an alleged crime, Ulf took over his former street gang.

Olrog Iron’ead

Olrog was a mercenary who was surprisingly cunning and intelligent for an Orruck. He earned the title Iron’ead by his tendency to head butt rivals into submission. During his early years he recruited his lieutenant Bolg to his cause. Bolg has remained with Olrog throughout his many campaigns, serving him faithfully and acting on his behalf when needed.

Olrog became the Prophet of the Waaagh by sacrificing an Aelf Mage following the Realm Hoppers crisis. But Olrog knew he was destined for more power.

Chartrek Beastamer

Chartrek Beastamer was a little known Khorne warlord who had a habit of taming beast to gather skulls for the skull throne. His favourite pet is his Slaughterbrute, that he named Rackzie and keeps close to him at all times.

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