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Interstice People

The Latest in the "Interstice People" Weaving

Endrinmaster Garak Boldfrey

Endrinmaster Garak Boldfrey is the left hand of Admiral Stoutstokk. He is responsible for maintaining the sky fleet and even built ‘Ustenak II’, a frigate which is even faster than the older...

Admiral Njondt Stoutstokk

Admiral Njondt Stoutstokk has led the Council of Prospectors for decades, a grizzled veteran of many successful and unsuccessful raids. He was formerly captain of ‘Ustenak’, a frigate which was...

Sepsos Ironmaw

 Bloated lord of the Bile Forge, his keep hollowed out beneath the rusting peaks they call home, Sepsos demands the same homage all Daemon Prince’s do.

 As much a father to his followers as their warlord, the Ironmaw is a monstrous creature who’s daemonforged armour fails to contain his plague-harbouring flesh. Reapers scythe in hand, the Ironmaw descends on the inhabitants of the Interstice with little provocation, and with little motivation beyond his own entertainment 

Kazgrim Bloodspawn – High Priest of Slaughter, the Unyielding

Kazgrim has spilled blood by the tide full and he has bathed in no less. So blessed by his blood god is he that his very soul defies the beck and call of Nagash. So long as there is sufficient blood sacrificed on the battlefield, Kazgrim’s rigored body draws it in, revels in it and revitalizes his body anew as if pulled fresh from a bloody womb of Khorne. His mastery of blood allows him to also bring some of his followers back from the brink of death, allowing them the chance to spill blood once more for their unquenchable patron. 

His vision is to bring the wrath of Khorne to every corner of the mortal realms. To accomplish this, he seeks to summon up the incarnations of Khorne to consume everything the eye can see. While he follows the path of Aichmos, he owes him no allegiance aside from acknowledging that Khorne has given him recognition. As such, there is no loyalty and he often disregards the calls of Aichmos, knowing full well that the mighty lord would not dare to strike against the high priest of slaughter.


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