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Interstice People

The Latest in the "Interstice People" Weaving

Kron Goretooth – The Priest of the Arena, Master of the Crucible

Kron saw his rise to Khorne’s favour in the tribal arenas of his homelands in Ghur. There, 8 massive tribes of Bloodbound offered up their greatest champions to be anointed through combat with the title of slaughterpriest and lead the combined masses of their 8 armies in a glorious path of carnage. Kron bested the strongest of these champions and upon receiving the ferverously malicious blade Goretooth for his achievement, awakened the gaze of Khorne upon his deeds. 

In the Interstice, he has taken a claim to the Crucible, a caldera in the mountain ranges between the patina plains and the pyrelands. Here he has created a grand arena in honour of Khorne, sending hundreds of slaves to do mortal combat daily until only the strongest survive and can be given a place among the Bloodtide. Those who fail to meet the martial prowess required to be initiated soon find their skulls collected by the Khorgoraths that Kron keeps penned. 

When Kron is not personally overseeing the arena games and anointing the new followers, he is seeking out new slaves by the thousands by following any of the marauding campaigns of the Bloodtide. He believes that through these arena games, he will find great champions that will aspire to greater and glorious deeds in the path to glory.

Xandur Ventamillio The Skullkeeper – Opener of Rifts, the Bearer of Chaos

Once one of nine high scholars of the Ventemente Mageocracy in Hysh. He spent most of his life researching into the symbols and meanings of ancient runes from the age of chaos. His main focus was upon the many skulls found in sacrificial pits and temples, etchings on foreheads that were thought to have higher meaning that were lost to time. His findings told of great portents but he was mocked and ridiculed for his strange obsessions with such occult matters.

When a tide of chaos raiders attacked the city, he was denounced as a cursed scholar and having brought doom to their esteemed city. His fellow scholars betrayed him, hoping to oust him from the council and exile him from the city. Their screams echoed the halls of the citadel chambers as he used ancient blood rituals to tear their skulls from their writhing bodies. He had mastered the skull runes and with this, he could control a rift into the chaos realm by the skulls he bore. His journey eventually led him into the ranks of Lord Aichmos, bearing the banner of the blood secrator and bringing the swirling madness of the chaos realm wherever his fetish skulls followed.


Lash the Stampede – Caller of the Brass Meteor

The creature known only as Lash the stampede is a strange one. He did not find his way into the ranks of the Bloodtide by martial prowess, but by his ability to inspire. A once slave arena master, he was cruel as he was ugly. A bestial fanged maw bellowed out orders while the traumatic crack of his whips sent hordes of slaves into a bloodthirsty frenzy. As if whipped into a trance by his suicidal commands and the dolorous sting of his barbed whips. He turned hundreds maybe thousands of otherwise craven slaves into an frenzied stampede of flesh and blades.

Seeing his potential, Kron Goretooth enlisted his help into the army of the Bloodtide, now using his whips to send already savage warriors into relentless killing machines. They rush the enemy with reckless abandon, his cracking whips singing in the distance urging them on to ever more bloodshed.


Gorechain the Undying – The Bloodstorm

Unknown where he came from or his purpose, this being lives only for slaughter. He has massacred armies by the thousands, rending through flesh and bone as if a farmer’s scythe through a field of grass. He speaks no words and is seen as a menace by many that would call him ally. The only sounds that he makes are guttural noises and malicious laughter when he is deepest in the enemy lines and surrounded by screaming bodies.

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