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Interstice People

The Latest in the "Interstice People" Weaving

Verzes Mezaros – The Smoldering Smith

He appeared at the Spire one day unannounced, only the scraping sound of his anvil giving him free passage. A skullgrinder is an honoured person to have in a warband, but his place here is as mysterious as his appearance. He is soft spoken and asks little of others, only for any unique weapons and items from enemies to be gathered for him to use as materials for his next projects. What he is after, he will not say. What his goal is, only one can guess. Even to Lord Aichmos or the Slaughterpriests, he remains an enigma, but one thing is certain: his purpose is clear in his mind and he will accomplish the task he has set to do regardless of the cost.


Mazrok-taktak: Boggle-eyed Astromancer of Dreamless Sleep

Mazrok-taktak is a coalesced skink starmaster, a student of the Slann Mazol-oktotl. He is a master of realmgates, and can often be found near any that are displaying any strange effects, or abnormal behaviour. Primarily, he is probably one of the most well-educated beings in the Realms when it comes to the history, location, and effects of the gates. 

Aleya – Watch Captain of Avelorn

Spellweavers are rare even by the standards of other Aelves. To wield such potent life magic takes hundreds of years of training and dedication, most may go their whole lives only managing the faintest hint of any arcane abilities. Not so with the Spellweavers. These Aelves are naturally gifted, and many whisper that they are blessed by the Great Tree itself. Wherever their power comes from; none can deny its miraculous effects.

Mathale, the Soul Slayer

Mathale was a Knight of great repute and was greatly sort after to slay beasts and warriors alike. Though willing to aid those in need, it would come at a price. If payment was not made, then their life was forfeit, whether they knew this was another matter. He came and went they say, gallant and prideful.

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