Primarily Living in Aqshy
The Latest in the "Primarily Living in Aqshy" Weaving
Lord-Aquilor Karjeon, Azyr’s Bandit
"You can still fight? If your lung is broken, kick me once in the leg for no, twice for yes."- Lord-Aquilor Karjeon, Azyr's BanditThere are still stories told of Karjeon's mortal life in Azyr, though none take them seriously, least of all the Stormcast himself....
Scions of the Flame
Red dust rose and wirled from stomping bare feet, weaving around a smoldering bronze brazier. The stars shone unobscured by either the polluting light or smog of civilization, and -at this altitude- with a piercing blue that could almost be felt. The glow of the...
The Wrathful
The Wrathful are khornate slaves to darkness warband from lions hall in Aqshy once they where a proud free guild regiment named The 7th steel Griffons of Jila lead by Agronā the blade sworn until a tzeentch cult called the Red Psalm overthrow the city of Jila and will...
Captain Morros Plaguewind
It was in the late years of the age of Chaos, when Sigmar’s pantheon was spoken as but a fading tale, that a humble deckhand aboard a privateering vessel in Aqshy was going about his day-to-day tasks with no real qualms about his lot in life. The hot winds were...
Zod-El Plainstrider
Born Elitham Plainstrider to a lowborn family of horse breeders in the lower tiers of the Helon Heights, Zod-El was always one to look up to where he wanted to be. Of course as a member of Aelven society of Helon, class is everything and the son of a horse breeder...
Lucgul Scourgeborne
Swore allegiance to Archaon when he and his witnessed the destruction of a Skaven warhost lead by a Verminlord. Lead a campaign across the Aqshyan wastes to attempt to claim a mythological artefact. Unfortunately the local branch of Nagash’s Legion found an ARCHIMEDES...
Lord Aichmos – The Barbed King
Aichmos was a mighty chaos lord serving under the banner of khorne long before he ended up in the interstice. His Bloodtide warband roved the plains of Aqshy, conquering any bastion of civilization he would come across, claiming skulls and spilling blood for his glorious patron. But this was ground to a halt when the Stormcast began to appear.
Prosecutor Arys Firewing
A fresh-forged, hotblooded and idealistic Stormcast of the Celestial Vindicators serving under Prosecutor-Prime Sorrus Skyhammer, Arys has a habit of speaking her mind--whether or not it’s called for or desired. This has on occasion earned her the annoyance of her...
Telari Mistbloom
“Every new bloom is a hope given life, even the darkest places deserve them… Especially the darkest places.”
Bob Cinderleg
Bob Cinderleg is a Freeguild Guard on the High Tier of Brightspear. He is most often found at The Dapper Ghost, a tavern that is frequented by a significant amount of Guard while they're on break. He is very good at arm-wrestling!
Amatlor Proudshard
Amatlor Proudshard is a Aspirian Mage in the city of Brightspear. He was the last remaining mage in the Mage Purge of Brightspear that saw Tzeenchian forces attempt to use ritualistic sacrifice to open a portal to the Realm of Chaos at the heart of Brightspear. Team...
Vendandra Firehawk
A Knight-Azyros sent by Sigmar to help with the keeping of Brightspear. Taking up charge of the defense of the city during the day, she primarily stands in a position lend wisdom to her Lord-Arcanum Believes that in her past life she grew up in Aqshy Finds the KO...
Lord-Arcanum Salonia Gravewing
Lord-Arcanum Salonia Gravewing, temporarily governs Brightspear, she is fairly well-respected in the city, and seems to be doing a good job of governing the city, and keeping it safe. She frequently sends her Stormcast teams out into the city to help the city guard...
Vandum is a seemingly ancient man. For some reason he works the front desk at the Freeguild offices on the Upper Tier of Brightspear. He claims to be "the most well-connected soldier on the watch" but so far has yet to shed light on anything at all. Smells of...
Allret Swiftstorm
'Little Old Allret' owns a small, fairly obscure shop on the Upper Tier selling primarily herbs. She seems reasonably well-connected, although Team Sparkles has a suspicion she hasn't left her shop in years. She enjoys working with one of her arms encased in bark and...
Amandion Sizzlelust
Amandion Sizzlelust seems to be just a really nice guy. Team Sparkles found him in the Lower Tier of Brightspear as they sought out what would eventually become a Gnawhole under the city. Considering he lives in Brightspear, under the High Tier, he seems to smell...
Vista Boldsworn
Vista Boldsworn is a Fyreslayer smith found in the Upper Tier of Brightspear. He was once convinced to drink a concoction that, unbeknownst to him, made him fall head-over-heels for Brogut Facebeater. The effects have since worn off, but even to this day he gets a...
Halard Jasten
Halard Jasten was a Cult of Tzeentch leader in the city of Brightspear. He had used powerful Chaos magic to keep "The Shimmering Tower" from being detected, all the while bolstering the cult's forces. The cult had been kidnapping those that wouldn’t be missed from the...
The Mighty Drizzleshroom
A shrill shriek echoes off the damp forest of mushrooms as a tall Grot appears not far from where the group unceremoniously landed. Bulbous mushrooms pierce his skin and his eyes are lit with wicked madness. His skin and clothing are soaked through, as if he has just...