The Headmistress of the College of Engineers of Khardihr, Professor Alcassar is an intense, driven woman who commands respect by her icy stare and simmering silences. Broody, collected but demanding and retaliatory, she has gathered around her a closed group of like...
Revenge of Rondhol Characters
The Latest in the "Revenge of Rondhol Characters" Weaving
The overboss of Da Choppas , Ka-rokk , is a shaman - unusual amongst Ironjawz warclans - and his zeal for tearing down and stomping on those he considers defilers of Ghur, is a guiding beacon for greenskins, thrumming with energies of the Waaagh. Respected for both is...
Melchad Hawkcaller
Guildmaster of the Navigators Guild of Khardihr. He is a savant with an uncanny ability to charts paths through the darkest storms and predict the deadliest stampedes of monsters. How he deduces these patterns out of reams of information gathered by his underlings is...
Skarra Spinebreaker
In recent times, Skarra Spinebreaker has proven herself to be most loyal to Captain Khrovar Blackmaw, earning her the position of First Mate onboard the Bloodsunderer. She all but idolizes the captain and always goes above and beyond to execute upon his orders. More...