Once a proud member of the Hammers of Sigmar, Ulfnir has since left the service of Sigmar to bind himself to a master he deems more worthy of his service. Now a champion of the god-beast Dracothion, Ulfnir and his draconic disciples have cloistered themselves on the...
Starfall Dramatis Personae
The Latest in the "Starfall Dramatis Personae" Weaving
Hag-Prophet Kazi the Crone
A member of the College Celestia in the City of Portent, Kazi was once a member of Morathi’s cult The Daughters of Khaine. But, when she uncovered forbidden texts of the Aelven god of prophecy Morai-Heg, she was cast out of her order and hunted to the edges of Ulgu....