Clan Scruten
New and revived, clan Scruten now works under the very exigent eyes of Seerlord Kritislik, whom is now trying to recover the power he once had. Alltho, nobody knows how he did survive being eaten by the Great Horned Rat (something which only a few skaven can retell, as skavens don’t have a proper register of their history)
Some say The Great Horned Rat forgave Kritislik’s crimes to have some fun seeing him acomplish something. others say this isn’t the first time, that their malevolent god allways resurrects Kritislik to have him suffer the worst of deaths over and over. And others say that Kritislik is actually a series of grey seers that change their names in order to try to capture some of this glory– that Kritislik actually died when eaten by the Big Horned One, and everything after that was just some grey seers trying to scratch some of the history that goes with the name.
Whichever version is true, fact is that Clan Scruten comes to life every few years, but this time it will try to reach for further goals…