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Cult of the Unseen


In the Age of Chaos, the tribes of the Steppe were visited by terrifying nightmares of a predator that hides beyond the sight of mortals. Many feared this phantasmal beast, but others began to worship it. For the unnoticed hunter is the one that catches its prey.

The shadowy nomads are always moving and maintain a network of spies to gather as much information on their neighbors as they can. Through well placed whispers and stolen intelligence, they are able to manipulate the other factions. Then silent commands send blades erupting out of the shadows to send their foes to Shyish.

Just because they skulk out of sight does not mean they do not engage in the conflicts of the Steppe. The numbers of the cult may be unknown but when called to war they swarm over their foes. As long as no witnesses survive, then they still consider themselves to be unseen.

The Cult of the Unseen One seeks to take the realmstone from the Amber Stampede and summon an avatar of their god.


Menthizar Kraeth – The Many Voiced Body : The Great Weave


Plains of the Hungering Steppe : The Great Weave


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Path to Story


Packhome is a major faction within the Hungering Steppe. You can use them as allies or adversaries in your Path to Glory battles.

Recommended Armies to portray them as:

  • Daughters of Khaine
  • Slaves to Darkness
  • Hedonites of Slaanesh
  • Any army with an emphasis on shadows and darkness

Do not destroy without permission

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