For centuries, the orruks of Rondhol had largely been content to fight one another, the monsters of the river lands, the hordes of the Blood God and Sigmar’s crusaders. Now, however, an outside force has riled them up – one clad in rusty, chequered blue. The Ironjawz known as Da Choppas have descended upon Rondhol, considering it their holy mission to trash any trace of civilisation they find, all the while whipping up any greenskins slacking off in their warmaking. The thought of Sigmar’s folk bringing order to these sacred lands thoroughly infuriates them, and they have resolved that not one stone will remain piled atop another in honour of the God-King.
First, though, Da Choppas had to batter the other greenskins of Rondhol into line, for Sigmar’s lads raising their banners in sight of the continent proved that someone, somewhere, wasn’t doing their job. Their overboss, Ka-rokk , is a shaman – unusual amongst Ironjawz warclans – already saw him appeal to the superstitious Bonesplitterz. This intensified at the battle of Raka’s Basin, where his pet Maw-krusha, Godgouga, savaged a walking stone idol of Gorkamorka followed by the four Wurrgog Prophets channeling power through it-for Da Choppas believe that Gork guides them and don’t really care who or what they destroy. Following this, the Bonesplitterz tribes came to the conclusion that this was divine punishment and that it was time to get a proper Waaagh! going.
With the strength of his own warclan joined to the fanatical bonesplitterz, Ka-rokk sent his hordes into the wetland lairs of the kruleboyz. After several satisfying brawls fought amongst the mangrove swamps, the conniving orruks were eventually convinced that there was much plunder to be had in raiding south and toppling Sigmarite outposts along the way. Just as valuable as the Kruleboyz warriors, however, were the heaps of rusting scrap found in their encampments – a rare resource in Ghur, but one the orruks had gradually amassed over years of raiding.
With these, the shaman set his lads to work. Though they preferred to wreak destruction, Da Choppas were also capable of building, and had constructed all manner of siege towers and battering rams over the years to aid their vandalising efforts. Now they and their new Kruleboyz mates used this expertise to lash together rickety hulks of stone and metal that were just about capable of withstanding the treacherous waterways.
Many greenskins would perish in the process of sailing south along these rivers, dragged down by the grasping waters. Ka-rokk, however, was unconcerned. Along the way were plentiful sites that his lads could smash up – and with each outpouring of violence, more of Gorkamorka’s creatures would be drawn in by primal instinct.
Recently, the Waaagh! has been seen with sylvaneth fighting by their side. This major departure from the norm has been noted with increasing worry from those on Khardihr, though not surprising given the sylvaneth’s increasing hostility towards the sentinels of order in the area.