Kurnoth Hunter of the Ironbark War Glade
Darach is a 20 year old, 12’4″ Kurnoth Hunter. Their bark is coloured white with glints of silver and foliage of aspen yellow. They carry both a massive hunter bow, as well as a Greatscythe into battle.
Darach is a young Kurnoth that emerged from his soulpod in the midst of an ongoing battle. His first memories are fighting alongside the dwarves of Chamon, driving back an incursion of chaos. The counter-offensive took them to the Allpoints, but the battle turned on them. Most of the other Aylvaneth perished, however, due to the sacrifice of the dwarves, a Branchwych was able to recover many of the Lamentiri. Darach was the only Kurnoth whose body survived, but he swore to honour the dwarves’ sacrifice for his kin. He joined the binding with one of these dwarves, a young(ish) Irondrake named Bryn. Bryn did not survive the process. Darach mourns his loss but has lost none of his determination to protect the dwarves in all the realms. He remains uncertain of other races, finding many of them strange and unpredictable.
City of Skullbrand, Dragon Ogor Kingdom
A township of medium size, Skullbrand was conquered by the Templars of Our Burning Saviour with the assistance of their Dragon Ogor allies during the events of the Hellscorn war. As per the accord agreed upon by Paladin of Fate, Vardeshir the Solemn and the Dragon...
Defense Against The Beastmen
With the lessening of Khornate & Tzeentchian power, the Beastmen rage. All types of frays go ranging across the new cities and power bases. These hordes hope to rip the rising threads of civilization apart. They need to be fought off!
Defense Against Rot
Defense Against The NurglingsAs new powers settle in the Drench, they will have to fend off waves of Nurglings who want to tear down these rising civilizations. Worshippers of the Plague God will throw Pestigors, Pox Walkers, Blightkings and even allied Plague Monks...