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Dire News Has Arrived

A Skink by the name of Ku'tok-notoc has returned to the city of Khardhir with dire news indeed - the Fae are on the move, and the city needs to shift its focus or all is lost.

Game Master Notes

These notes exist to help you run through the Quest. They are put here by the creator and should give you some direction as to what they had in mind when they created the Quest

This Quest is part of the Revenge of Rondhol event. When considering this Quest, you’re asking yourself about whether or not you would continue further into the Dell, theoretically closer to the last well-known location of the Fae, or head towards the Gaping Portal?

- The Weaver -

Although still unknown to many of the warbands exploring the Dell, Ku’tok-notoc has informed the Council of Khardhir that the Fae are on the move – towards the Gaping Portal. After extensive conversations, the Council have decided to split their forces – allowing for the various leaders of different groups to make the call based on their own circumstances. They can either continue ploughing deeper into the Dell, or begin to move towards the Portal in the hopes of cutting off the Fae and whatever they plan on doing in the region. No matter what, though, after seeing the actions of Snagruk, the Council agrees that returning the Amber Blood to the land is for the best and have sent word out to all those that owe allegiance to Khardhir that the returning of the Blood is of highest priority.

Warcry Instructions

This is an ongoing quest rather than one that is completed.

While embarked upon this quest, you can pick up to 3 fighters and send them forth to explore in step 5 of the aftermath sequence (pg 106) instead of only 1 fighter. For each fighter after the first, however, you must spend 3 glory.

Path to Glory Instructions

Pick 1 artefact of power that your faction has access to and that is not already on your Path to Glory roster. Write it down in the Quest Reward section of your quest log.

At the end of each Path to Glory battle, add 1 quest point to the progress section of your quest log for each friendly unit wholly within your opponent’s territory.

In addition, at the end of each Path to Glory battle, you can spend I glory point to gain 1 additional quest point.


Sometimes a Quest creator will tell you what you get for completing the Quest, depending of the outcome of course. If there is nothing, you can obviously create your own rewards, ahhh… imagine the possibilities…

What you choose in terms of where you move your force will change what you’re able to do in subsequent Revenge of Rondhol Quests.

In addition, if you play with Path to Glory:

Once you have gained 3 or more quest points, you complete this quest. When you complete this quest, you can add the artefact of power that you picked to your vault.

Have you played through this Quest or Rumour?

If you’ve played through or resolved this in any way, be sure to tell us right here on the Quest page, we’d love to know what happened!

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2 years ago

This message was delivered to the council of the city of Khardir by Captain Virielle Stormwind who arrived in a form of a bat. After delivering it, she told the council about Necromancer Edgar Ulm, turned back into a bat and flew away..

2 years ago

Snagruk cursed to himself. He had sunk bolt after bolt into that Fae knight and still it came crashing into his Orruks. The Ardboyz he’d been put in charge of showed their worth in the end and they won, but it was far closer and far more of a fair fight than he liked. Something was riling the Fae up even more than before and they seemed to be on the move. He wondered if the boss knew anything about this.

After having any found amber blood dumped Snagruk ordered his forces in the same general direction the Fae had seemed to be headed to look for more. Might as well keep an eye on ’em while he did his job.

Solo warcry game Ironjawz with boltboy boss ally vs Bloodbound representing Fae knights. Went to the Orruks but only in the final turn.

Last edited 2 years ago by Zim
2 years ago

As the various groups that comprise Khardhir’s military each independently make the call, one by one, to travel out to the Gaping Portal, the Brashbriar Brood and their allies, the Knights of the Chalice, are ready and waiting to intercept those small companies as they attempt to pass through the cordon set up surrounding the stranded settlement.

Click Here for more details.

Nuno Martins
1 year ago

The Inquisition retakes the Shattered Temple and fully marches onto the Dell

Preparing this offensive for weeks, the Inquisiton’s combined forces gather to finally expunge the invading Nagashites from the Furyoth end of the Shattered Temple.

Stepping through the realmgate fissure en masse, the Inquisition Hounds advance their armed deadwalker regiments to block the movements of the vampiric knights who have been squatting in the Temple, while the specters of the Inquisition Templars (having escaped from the crevasses of the Dell) converged on the other side, trapping them.

A decisive battle is finally fought, now with the full might of the Inquisiton under coordination, and these upstarts are finally and truly vanquished. The Shattered Temple now belongs to the Inquisition and the House of Vermillio.
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An open path is now controlled by the House Vermillio, from the fortified outpost and catacombs of the Storm Temple in the Mountains of Maraz, straight into the Heart of the Dell.
The Inquisition is now fully marching forward with both its main forces deep into the Dell, after the thorough cartographing by the knight-hunter Belimir and the Inquisition Templars, to stalk the other forces that have been carving a path though the valley… and swoop in when they least expect.
And take advantage of their skirmishes to weaken these so called knights of the Chalice.
Time will tell what use this Amber Blood may have, and to what purpose it may best be put to.

Read the full expedition story here.

Nuno Martins
1 year ago

The House of Vermillio asserts dominance over their council rivals

As planned, the Inquisition tracked down those warbands on the trail ahead, following in their footsteps and letting them face the traps and dangers of the Dell first.

Belimir has been following the trail of some promising allies of another Khardirian councillor, a lumineth war-party, who have stumbled across a cache of seraphon artefacts, and have defeated many many enemy warbands along the way.
“Their string of triumphs is about to be cut short, and their resources taken”, Castellan Malenkon thinks, as he lays out the plan of attack for the Inquisition forces. “When the dust settles after all of this, the House of Vermillio will have undisputed control of Khardihr with the rest of the council having been humbled by their own ineficiency”. The vampire wizard rubs his hands gleefully.

As the lumineth are about to finish their dig, and the land starts convulsing once more, the Inquisition Hounds pounce on their rivals, catching them unawares. Belimir and his companions put their monster-hunting skills to good use to take down the lumineth’s dragonriding knight.
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The Inquisition forces attempt to finish the fight as fast as possible, before the artefacts are lost forever in the earthquakes. Unfortunately, some are swallowed up by Ghur, hungrily, and only a portion could be salvaged. A large cache of arcane engines was unearthed, and could now be transported back to Khardihr via the safe route through the Shattered Temple.
The lumineth war-party was left broken and captured, and their intel was soon to be property of the Inquisition of Umberspire.

Read the full tale of the expedition here.