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Drusilla, The Tormentor of the Silk Kingdom

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The Tormentor of the Silk Kingdom

Leading a life of debauchery, Drusilla eventually came to fame within the high courts of Keldon, Kingdom of Silk. Her reputation was formidable and rumours spread like wildfire of the King having visitations.

 Ashamed of this “truth” he ordered Drusilla to be put to death. Upon hearing this chatter amongst the citizens, Drusilla galvanised her cunning and schemed. She knew she could not allow this to occur without a fight. However knowing her fate was all but sealed, she put her plan into action and dressed in the finest red silk and snuck into the palace secret entrance used for her conjugal visits. Drusilla knew if this was to be her time then she’d ensure her appearance would be one that’ll be remembered. She seemingly blended in with the guests of the court and snuck into the chambers of the Kings family. Clinging to the shadows she waited and then slaughtered them all within the chamber.

When the King and guards eventually caught her later that fateful night she was drenched head to toe in crimson blood. The King torn by grief ordered her death to be one that even the Gods themselves would fear! Upon the great awakening, Drusilla returned, a living nightmare, a Banshee! Hearing the call of Nagash she now carries out his will. No one is safe from her dying screech!

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