Eltax Yaleh
Eltax Yaleh is a Knight-questor, a member of the Dreamseed. She’s devoted to Sigmar, and willing to go where few else will, or can for that matter
Have you met Eltax Yaleh while within The Great Weave? Or have something to add to her story? Do that here!
Battle Report VI: Saving Light To Protect The Storm
Though the Wardens of Burden have sworn to protect Hammer's End, they are no idle guards, waiting for attack. They are an offensive force par excellence, and it is their duty to ensure that the enemies of Hammer's End be annihilated before they come within sight of...
Battle Report V: Terror Amongst The Branches
As the Wardens of Burden ferried their precious and dangerous cargo, the Arboreal Wellspring, back to the Stormvault, they encountered Wildercorps on their journey. The mortal soldiers explained that they were searching the forest for missing citizens from Hammer's...
Battle Report IV: Recovering The Arboreal Wellspring
After securing the Crack Within Darkness, the Wardens of Burden took it upon themselves to recover the artefacts pilfered from its depths. Some were found in secret caches or mass graves, or in the hands of others. Where they could Bartheliman bade the Wardens deal...