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Fangdale Sausagegulp

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Duke Fangdale Sausagegulp

The Duke, as with all other Flesh-Eater Courts is as crazy and vicious. He thinks he is protecting his lands by driving out the evil chaos forces from Sigmar’s lands, but he is actually a hungry and crazy undead and magical zombie.

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The Battle of Flaming Skies

High above the Crusader State of the Templars of Our Burning Saviour in Thondia Nurglite attackers clash with Templar defenders and their Kharadron allies.

The attackers must be repelled to secure the future of the Crusader State.

Desraki Omens: Destruction

"Captain! We found a survivor."  The leader of the Desraki war party looked up from the maps in his tent. At the entrance stood one of his sergeants, backlir by the setting sun. Beside him was a young soldier, armor pitted and scratched, whose body was thin with...