Fannarthus Blightbane
They both fought in the battle to rescue Alarielle, in her soulpod, from the grasp of Nurgle
Raid-Lord Oldan
Raiding Lord and right hand of the Khan of the Dread Hounds
Natasha gasped awake in the middle of the room, standing in the middle of the light. Confusion came to her mind as she looked at the formless surronding. Where was she? How did she get here?Looking around yielded no answers. She figure dout she was still in her heavy...
Mistress of Pain
Aengellania sat in her study, the first time in quite a while since she's been absent from Alethra's warm coils. But her lover had recently just gotten married, and Aengellania knew better than to intrude on the honeymoon. She and Alethra would have plenty of time to...