Fannarthus Blightbane
They both fought in the battle to rescue Alarielle, in her soulpod, from the grasp of Nurgle
The blood wolves temple
After pushing back the Scorntide and DesrakiDeeper into hiding the blood wolves raiders set up a shrine in inside of a former Scorntide hq that they are using as a forward operating base plans to explore and hunt any survivors left as look to expand their own...
The Pioneers of the Storm
Originally formed by Jerin Glimmerbeard, the Pioneers of the Storm used to be a rogue skyfleet, preying on other skyfleets. After Jerin’s death, however, his son Hengtund Jerinsson has decided to go straight, seeking a safer way to make his fortune.
Barak-Udum, the City of Storms, is a sky-port of the Kharadron Overlords in Ghur, floating above the peaks of Lendu.To protect the sky-port from the many predatory beasts roaming the skies, the duardin of Barak-Udum have devised the Storm Beacons, floating devices...