Fannarthus Blightbane
They both fought in the battle to rescue Alarielle, in her soulpod, from the grasp of Nurgle
Thunderclad Retributor Host
Hammerscorn Bastion
Close to the city of Old Kleah, the mercenary company of the Kharadron Captain Brarkeja Hammersworn and Grumnock Rawscorn of the Greyfyrd lodge have been allowed to built barracks and an attached skyport as a reward for their service to the Templar cause during the...
Brassgorge Hold, the Everburning Necropolis
The city once known as Brassgorge Hold, was the site of a desperate battle against total annihilation, between a powerful circle of necromancers and their Khornate and Nurglite allies against Templar invasion during the Hellscorn war.Scars of the ensuing grand magical...