Fannarthus Blightbane
They both fought in the battle to rescue Alarielle, in her soulpod, from the grasp of Nurgle
The Battle of Infurnata – A Flame snuffed out
In the Ashfall Delta, disparate forces have assembled under the banner of the Redhands in a desperate defence to delay the Waagh of Colossaboss Mogrek Longblade's arrival in the Aelven Prime Dominion, so defenses can be prepared. On one of the Delta's islands,...
Karguk’s Fist
Reth’hymnon, City of Brazen Forges
More an assortment of forges, workshops and factories with housing for the workers and walls, watchtowers and barracks so said workers are kept inside, Reth'hymnon is the industrial heart of the Crusader state, and indeed, is used to support other Crusades of the...