Fannarthus Blightbane
They both fought in the battle to rescue Alarielle, in her soulpod, from the grasp of Nurgle
The Siege of Old Kleah – part 2
Vitressa’s toes gripped tightly around the cold stone of Old Kleah’s city wall as she ascended. In total darkness, she and her Corvus Cabalist brothers and sisters clambered up the wall, not making a sound. She knew this way well, from sneaking out as a youth. She...
Seize the Crown
The clouds that drew over the Slidecrown Isle were heavy with Ghyran’s grief. They shed crystal rain in great sheets over the lakes. The war for the isle had heralded nonstop combat for weeks. Bodies were slumped in the shallows, often cut down from behind even as they tried to heal their injuries with life-giving Aqua Ghyranis.
Call for Reinforcements
Veyron Van Drën woke from his dream with a start, amidst cold sweats and chills, he swore he saw the shadow creature’s eyes in the corners of his room, but as the fog of sleep lifted, there was nothing to behold aside from an empty corner. Veyron had been residing at...