Fannarthus Blightbane
They both fought in the battle to rescue Alarielle, in her soulpod, from the grasp of Nurgle
Assault on the Slekit spire
War queen Boudica assembled her tribe at the base of the base of the unmade Slekit spire, ready to assault it. The god speakers set to work raining arcane fire down on the Pestilins defenders to cover the charge of the darkoath fellriders, but before they can start, a...
Upon a vast formation of metallic rocks overlooking the landscape below, Templar Champions Xshaeta the Observant and Isthubar the Steadfast stood next to the Fyreslayer Gelvan Brazenmantle, their attention mostly directed at the Spire of Vexshik. The eldritch wonders...
Poxfang Tunnels
A Skaven den located in the Realm of Aqshy by Clan Pandemic by request of Ratsputin. the congregation here is The Blighted Ratkin and is lead by Plague Bishop Slink-whisker