Fannarthus Blightbane
They both fought in the battle to rescue Alarielle, in her soulpod, from the grasp of Nurgle
mynydd ceg y ddraig(The dragon’s mouth mountain)
The Ordofigaidd tribe had arrived at the Vulkaris, a continent edgeward of the Great Parch, though the Ghyran realmgate matched out for roughly three days, but they were forced into battle against a cites of Sigmar outpost, block their way forward the tribe overlem...
The Ballad of Victoria and Conrad
The ashes ran through their gauntleted claws as they looked down upon the empty husk of red armour. Had their beaks the capability to smile, the two-headed Tzaangor would have.“Conrad! Come down here darling, I have cornered their leader in the cave!” Xshaeta cried...
Their sharp, clawed golden gauntlet dragged the ruined remnants of a Blissbarb archer along, dropping it before her onto the cavern’s uneven ground.“I’d suggest we skip this dreadfully boorish diversion.” The Tzaangor crusader spoke. “Your minions have pestered His...