Following his ordeal with the blue magister Vladan had found himself within a courtyard, a mosaic spread below him, and he noted that the area was lined with statues. The statues seemed to shift and change when he looked at them, and Vladan realised that they did so only when he reflected on the now gone wizard, or his Tzeentchian allegiance. It did not take much for him to resolve to leave the moment he could, and he found himself deep within a city.
It was called Galhalla, the city of the Golden Domes. And for good reason. It seemed that the skyline was littered with domes of all sizes that gleamed in the evening sun, glowing red golden, and bouncing light through the city. As if by some sort of magic, city lights flickered on when caught just right by the domes, casting cooler shades into the streets dimming as night overtook the city. And it was truly glorious he had to concede, in his whole city he did not have access to the technologies he could see in a single street in Galhalla. It missed the beauty of his own city, it lacked the age, and the blood in the very stones, but it held its own appeal regardless. Duardin and men walked the streets even as the sun was failing, the lights allowing them to continue their various activities into the night.

nnHe was walking down one of these streets when out of a door to his right a pair of halflings were forcibly thrown from the premises, each in one hand, by a lumbering orruk that had to stoop to get through the door. From within, Vladan could hear the sounds of an inn, as if all inns, regardless of where they were found, sounded the same. The sound of drinks, hollering, singing, and general revelry.
‘An’ stay out ya little runts!’ the orruk yelled out the sprawled figures. ‘Don’t you come back see!? Not tonight!’
The orruk slammed the door as the two picked themselves up off the cobblestones, and just as Vladan was about to make his way towards the door, the orruk’s great head peaked out from behind the portal, ‘but I’ll see you tomorrow night! And say ‘alo to Darwin’ for me!’
‘Bloomin’ git,’ one of the slurred to the other ‘he’s jus’ jealous I got all the luck, and he’s gotta man a stupid door while we have fun!’
‘Too right!’ the other replied, ‘We’ll show him a thing or two! We’ll show him to through out the mighty Wilos and Wenbin!!’
Suddenly the two screamed in unison and careened towards the doorway, ‘chaaaaaaaaarrrggeeeee!!!‘
The two bounced off the hard door while not making a dent, and the orruk stuck it’s head out again at the two, narrowing his eyes, he growled, and the two run for cover, straight into Vladan.
Vladan snarled at the two, causing them to yelp, and veer off into a side-alley, away from the great lord and his black sword.