Trade has come back to the Mortal Realms, even if only partially, and with great risk. But with trade come rumours and opportunities to make a name for yourself. Beware though, tales shift on the winds of the Mortal Realms, and it is not uncommon for rumours to be found unfounded or changed beyond recognition
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Ghur Stories
Breaking of the fang
The steel fang pursued the orruks waagh south, but they lost the trail of the main horde, but they heard of a group of orruks gathering for an assault against the void fang. The whole warband changed the direction of their chase towards the voidfang days of...
Briars Breach a Broken Bastion
The Revenge of Rondhol Fortifying Positions Briars Breach a Broken Bastion 1st Step: The Approach She races forwards, as much time spent bounding on all fours as running bipedal, just one sister in the massed pack of feral forest folk. Her is focus is wholly on the...
assault on voidfang
Asarathu and his of allies of convenience have a war council to plan on how they would deal with assaulting the void fang Da Realmhuntaz would support the other troops with their trained boltboyz and beast-skewer killbows and Urgoth Skullsmasha Orruks as the main...
People, Armies, and Monsters From Ghur
The overboss of Da Choppas , Ka-rokk , is a shaman - unusual amongst Ironjawz warclans - and his...
Melchad Hawkcaller
Guildmaster of the Navigators Guild of Khardihr. He is a savant with an uncanny ability to charts...
Skarra Spinebreaker
In recent times, Skarra Spinebreaker has proven herself to be most loyal to Captain Khrovar...
Khrovar Blackmaw
The infamous Captain of the Bloodsunderer, with teeth stained black like the dark of a Bloodletter’s blade. They say his words are just as fiery as the forges of The Brass Citadel. He has some features akin to a Flesh Hound, including dark frills around his neck (these give him the local nickname “Darkfrills”) and a keen nose for treachery.
Lord Haddrik Carminnio
Acting as the Prime-Navigator for the Dread Myriad, Lord Haddrik Carminnio believes himself to be uniquely possessed of the skill to perform the task of guiding the Myriad’s fleet back to its ancestral waters in Rondhol to finally claim the trade routes of The Svlind for their lineage.
The House of Vermillio
The House of Vermillio operates as Khardihr ’s largest internal financier. Most, if not all, undertakings by the city government is in some way funded by the Vermillios.
Locations in Ghur
Passage Fen
A series of minor rivers flow into the Furyoth Dell via this wide valley, coalescing into a mucky...
Jewel Lake
This valley lake seemingly has a gleaming stone crystal at its centre, beckoning those ashore to...
The primary Sigmarite city founded within the Wildmane Gorge, Jaegerburg offers a haven of...
Everquake City
Everquake City is a Free City found in the Realm of Ghur. It is located on the Lendu continent of...
The Crann Bethadh
A gigantic tree suffused with life magic rises from the centre of this dense jungle, with a runic...
The Lake of Despair
Ancient fortifications dot this high snowy peak, and the structures seem to be relatively intact...