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Glimluk Shroomchewer

"mmmm yum, too many mushrooms will turn you crazy, unless you already crazy, then you'll be alright haha" - Glimluk Shroomchewer

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Glimluk Shroomchewer

The Shroomy Boogleye Shaman

“mmmm yum, too many mushrooms will turn you crazy, unless you already crazy, then you’ll be alright haha”

– Glimluk Shroomchewer

Glimluck Shroomchewer had one too many shrooms for its own good, which led to much mumbling and erratic behavior, not least muttering when asleep or talking way to loud and enthusiastically at inappropriate times. This would often drive others to insanity because of the lack of understanding towards other grots personal space. Glimluch had trained to be a Boogleye Shaman with the dastardly grots known as Da Loonshine Gitz.

Glimlucks talents far surpassed any mentors that could stand its constant prodding, questions or knowing elbows to the ribs, expectations. Glimluck embarrassed far older Shamans many a time, not out of malice, just because Glimluck had knowledge and a natural understanding of magic that others had to work all their short miserable lives for.
So when the time came, during the the Burning Winter campaign, Glimlucks boss, Nippy Runtstrider send the young Boogleye on what the Loonboss hoped would be a one way adventure, with a permanent ending for the annoying little git.
Glimluck never did find its way back to the main force, what remained of them after the burning of the Ur-Whale was a mystery. But Glimluck Shroomchewer had new adventures to explore, and more mushrooms to taste.

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