Grim Grundstock
Grim is a Skyrigger and a member of The Dreamseed. He’s a brilliant weapon’s expert, and loves to soar through the brilliant skies of Ghyran
Have you met Grim Grundstock while within The Great Weave? Or have something to add to his story? Do that here!
Prelude to Alliance #2
The Slidecrown SunderingCross the WaterPrelude to Alliance(Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3)The handful of tzaangors — a mix of enlightened & skyfires — upon their magnificent, floating discs, followed the bat-winged horror as it lurched through the skies with a speed...
Prelude to Alliance #1
The Slidecrown SunderingCross the WaterPrelude to Alliance(Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3)Eloxochitl stood by the lakeside, with her subordinate huntmaster and two huntbands arrayed at her back, in as close to formation as the tribal troops ever got. Together, they stared...