Hazkal Brannoksson
Hazkal Brannoksson is a brilliant Aether-Khemist with a focus on the utilization of Aether-Gold in medicinal applications. His research has proven to be incredibly promising, if controversial–given the long-term effects of Aether-Gold exposure.
Hazkal Brannoksson is a brilliant Aether-Khemist with a focus on the utilization of Aether-Gold in medicinal applications. His research has proven to be incredibly promising, if controversial–given the long-term effects of Aether-Gold exposure. As such, Hazkal has not been able to capitalize upon his successes financially. Those who know him are hardly surprised. He has long held a reputation for being quite unskilled in matters of business. With such an unseemly reputation, he is considered a “black cloud” by most of his family, save his adventuresome cousin Thori Snorrisson. Determined to prove himself and push the bounds of his research, Hazkal signed on to the same Skyfleet as his favorite cousin and set sail for adventure!
Somewhat bookish by the standards of most Duardin, the choice to become Soulbound came as somewhat of a shock to Hazkal. The opportunity to expand and perfect his craft, however, was too great an opportunity to let pass. With his keen interest in the effects of Aether-Gold exposure upon the body and its maddening long-term effects, Hazkal hopes to be able to focus his research into curing such conditions and more. Given enough study, mayhap even the magical poxes of Chaos might be cured with Aether-Gold infused medications. Surely that would earn him the respect of his peers!
A Storm of Desolation
The skies over Vulkaris darken as the heavens split with an otherworldly crack, as a roar rips across the continent. It does not take long for the source of this calamity to reveal itself as a super-massive nullstone meteor shower. These stones, cold and unyielding,...
The Citadel of Metamorphosis
Within Vulkaris, somewhere between the Vexshik Spire and the Realmgate to Chamon, a grand Citadel of dark blue Crystal pulsating with arcane might has arisen from the metallic ground. This Holy place of Chaos is known as the Citadel of Metamorphosis and is the base of...
Assault on the Slekit spire
War queen Boudica assembled her tribe at the base of the base of the unmade Slekit spire, ready to assault it. The god speakers set to work raining arcane fire down on the Pestilins defenders to cover the charge of the darkoath fellriders, but before they can start, a...