Trade has come back to the Mortal Realms, even if only partially, and with great risk. But with trade come rumours and opportunities to make a name for yourself. Beware though, tales shift on the winds of the Mortal Realms, and it is not uncommon for rumours to be found unfounded or changed beyond recognition
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Hyshian Stories

Battle Report III: Breaking The Puppets Of The Shadow
Following Bartheliman's subtle, at least for a Stormcast, investigations, the traitors responsible for the unleashing of the Khornate army were found and imprisoned. Tcimmera wanted them dead, but Bartheliman argued to keep them alive, both so that Hammer's End might...

Battle Report II: Open Murder In The Town Square
After freeing Hammer's End from the terror of the Kruleboys of the Impalers, Tcimmera wasted no time in preparing the settlement to host the Wardens of Burden. She tasked some of her Chamber with laying the foundations of a new Stormkeep that would protect Hammer's...

Battle Report I: The Battle For Hammer’s End
The Wardens of Burden have been charged with the defence of Hammer's End, and not a moment too soon. Word has reached Azyr that the colony is under attack from Kruleboys; the original Stormcast garrison has been entirely wiped out protecting the mortals, and now only...
People, Armies, and Monster From Hysh
Ukkar Lenluna
Ukkar Lenluna is a man who currently lives on the side of a mountain, near the Lunarest mountain...
Locations in Hysh
Ar-Ennascath is the capital city of Syar, a Teclian nationThe Syari, always on the lookout for a...