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Ironchaff Plain


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An area in the Realm of Chamon. Located closer towards the core than the other edges, things appear fairly normal with plants/rocks/animals/etc. Having mostly normal characteristics. However, the magic of the Realm of Metal seeps into things on the Ironchaff Plain. 

Named for the many fields of naturally occurring wheat and barley, these grains are good food for the various animals and humans. When threshed, the chaff that comes off of the various grains is clearly made of iron or a similarly hard metal. Industrious factions have taken to using the chaff in various ways, producing weapons, clothes, armour, and buildings.

On the edge of the Ironchaff Plain lies the Rustlewood Forest. With trees that appear mostly “normal” however, bark, wood, and leaves harvested from the area are typically stronger and more durable than regular trees. With varying levels of strength, some harvested products can be turned into armour, fortifications, and weapons of superior quality.

Located here is the settlement of Slivers; a foundry city founded by settlers from KraceHath once Sigmar reopened the realmgates. Located in Chamon, the wide availability of metal makes it a natural hub of industry, supporting many new Cogsmith inventions and providing arms and armaments for its local army as well as a major source of trade for the city.


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do whatever you want with it.
Soulbound Doom Level: 4

Warcry Twist Rules:

Winds of Fate

Spiced winds bring smells bitter and sweet, whispering both truth and lies. Tzeentch casts a watchful eye upon this battle, but to what end?

Players roll 7 initiative dice each battle round, instead of 6.

Realm Rules:

Iron Trees

The bark on the trees in this region is made of metal rather than wood.

Worsen the Rend characteristic of a weapon by 1 (to a minimum of ‘-’) if the target has cover from Wyldwoods.


do whatever you want with it.
Soulbound Doom Level: 4

Warcry Twists:

Winds of Fate

Spiced winds bring smells bitter and sweet, whispering both truth and lies. Tzeentch casts a watchful eye upon this battle, but to what end?

Players roll 7 initiative dice each battle round, instead of 6.

Region of War Rules:

Iron Trees

The bark on the trees in this region is made of metal rather than wood.

Worsen the Rend characteristic of a weapon by 1 (to a minimum of ‘-’) if the target has cover from Wyldwoods.

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