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James ‘Jim’ Brooks

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James ‘Jim’ Brooks

Jim fell through the green glowing hole, mighty perturbed at the situation he found himself in. After what felt like weeks or maybe seconds of free-fall through a twisting field of glowing energy, Jim fell into darkness and passed out.

  Anvilgard is ruled by the Grand Conclave of Anvilgard. However a cabal of outcasts known as the Blackscale Coil manipulates the conclave using a combination of blackmail, threats and murder. This organisation is ruled by a shadow council of aelves, including Fleetmasters of the Scourge Privateers, Sorceresses of the Darkling Covens and Beastmasters of the Order Serpentis and has agents of all races in every military and social stratum of the city.


Anvilgardians are dour and hardy frontier folk, distrusting of others and beholden to superstition and ancient folklore. Despite the intractability of its populace, Anvilgard draws many visitors from faraway lands. However behind the noble exterior the city is rife with illicit trade and criminality.


The city’s shipyards bustle with activity, with merchant fleets, nomadic tribesmen and foreign traders all flocking to the markets to sell produce and trinkets looted from the scattered ruins of the Searing Sea. Aelven corsairs regulate this busy trade, maintaining order with merciless efficiency. It is here we find a young boy, Jim. Orphaned, grown up in the streets. He knew his way around the worst of folk. Natural born leader and very clever, Jim found himself the head of a small band of misfits. Causing trouble and getting away with it was something he prided himself on. All things considered, he had a handle on his world. He knew everyone, and he knew how to get what he wanted, but unfortunately everyone also knew him.           


 Salekh, Captain of a Scourge Privateers Wolfship from the city of Anvilgard. This Aelf was the worst. He was brutal, merciless, and above all, feared. Nothing went on under his nose in Anvilgard. His followers were fierce, and fiercely loyal. He was part of the assault on Blista Bakk leading his crew into battle before unleashing a Kharibdyss on the Orruk defenders. The sea-lanes of Anvilgard were plagued by orruk pirates from a floating shanty-port known as the Blista Bakk and the shadowy cabal of criminals known as the Blackscale Coil pressured the Anvilgard’s Grand Conclave into launching a naval invasion. Scourge wolfships surround Blista Bakk and rained fiery missiles on its rusty ramparts while Freeguild marines were unloaded from steam-galleons with reinforced prow-rams that smashed their way into its harbour. After the docks were cleared the Scourge Privateers unleashed several Kharibdysses driven to a mindless rage, soon after the Blista Bakk sank into the Searing Sea. Aelven pirates of the Scourge have travelled the waterways of the Mortal Realms and hunted mighty sea monsters for generations. Some are dragged back to the free ports to be sold to pitmasters or curious wizards for a rich haul while others are slain and stripped of valuable materials. While slavery is outlawed under Azyrite decree, loopholes are frequently exploited by fleetmasters.


Jim and his merry band saw the perfect opportunity to finally get off the streets. To make it rich and get the hell out of Anvilgard. Salekh’s Privateers were heard to have poached a giant Megalafin. An incredibly valuable source of trade. A deal had been made between him and The Darkling Coven. Now was the perfect time. Salek out of town, the Coven too self confident in themselves to guard their gold. So in they went. And there it was, so shiny, so perfect, and so heavy. They grabbed what they could carry and stuff into their pockets. Turned to bolt out the door slammed shut. Arika Zenthe, this was not good. Arika Zenthe is a Aelf Fleetmaster and commander of the Scourge Privateers fleet based in Excelsis. Her look is both beautiful and deadly – she is tall and slender, projecting an aura of both strength and agility. Her white hair cut short, spiked at the tips, donning a long coat of leather, itself embellished with images of the Kraken, the spiked collar framing her face. Brandishing her weapons of choice, a jewelled cutlass and a tri-bladed main gauche. She is more than 500 years old and she is not impressed.


Jim knew exactly how much shit he had found himself in, in no way was there a plan to stick around and find out what would happen. He and the boys all ran in different directions. Some of the boys too stupid and greedy to drop their loot an make a getaway. Their stories end here. Jim threw his handful of gold at Arika, stunning her just long enough to dash through a broken slat in the storehouse.

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