The battle had ebbed and flowed mostly according to Mat’hain’s plan. The rumors proved to be true as a unit of Stormcast moved in towards his people, but they had made them pay. The battle was nearly over, yet he suddenly found himself surrounded by Stormcast on all sides. They were not supposed to be […]

As the sun set on the graveyard King Mat’hain looked around. He could barely make out the Namirti on the far side and the rough shape of the allopex they were escorting as they patrolled the far edges of the area. “Hrmph, scared tales for children,” one of his guards said to another. “There are […]

Emerging from the aetherstream, King Mat’hain looked around the region as he took a deep breath. “Ahh, the souls of the lesser races are ripe for the plucking. Send the alloplexes around to the far side of the settlement and the reavers south. We will encircle them and prevent their escape. Tollian, have we gotten […]