Fanatical followers of a mysterious being known as Yce-Amma or Grandmother Of Ice, the Ycebrimir lodge is led by the zealous Vargana Ycedöttir. She leads the Lodge into battle, their icy beards and pale skin a stark contrast to their former Fyreslayer heritage.
This is it. The past few weeks, this has been everything Razgor had been working towards. The enormous beast known as Voidfang had been awakened by the horrible Fae and Razgor had become obsessed with it. He’d abandoned his position at the Gaping Maw portal and took his entire wartribe to track the beast down. […]
Before Thoruhn was known by the title of The Shepherd, he went by Thoruhn Twicedead. He had only died twice, one death in his mortal life, defending his village against the horrors of Tzeentch, the second death as a stormcast, whilst liberating the same village, where he died in 1 to 1 combat with the […]

When a stormcast is reforged too many times, their soul can fall apart and they become wandering spirits, Lightning Gheists. For many unfortunate souls, this is the end. For some, the only way to keep them under control, is to trap them in stone bodies. This is how the Broken came to be. Stormcast reforged so many times, who'd lost so much, there was almost nothing left. Shambling, incohorent ranks of stone statues with broken minds, with no purpose or ambitions. Discarded by their kin, a lone Lord Celestant saw them for what they really are: souls in need of help. Thoruhn became their guiding light and he leads them into battle against Chaos once more.