The warband was on the move and forming in line of battle. Togtol stepped down the mountainous path, bouncing on the saddle of his Gnashtoof Unbool. The warriors were warned to keep an eye open, since the enemy was supposed to be here somewhere. Togtol was hunting an orruk boss that had chased him for […]
Togtol sat on his saddle, observing the skies of this wild land. The sun was shining over the mountains behind them, bringing a distant memory of his homeland Hysh and it’s lush green steppes. Even though he never had been in this realm before, he felt an innate connection, a fertile land for a hungry […]
The Rulerz of da Waste are a mixed band of orruks and grots, who banded together under the leadership of “da wize’ Togtol”, heir to the mysterious Bakatoi, emperor of the Sky Wolves in Hysh. The grots of the Sky Wolves ruled over an area in Hysh, where they lived in a nomadic lifestyle, living […]