To: The High Lord Muckity Muck Sir Jonathan Wadesely Esq. From: Chief Security Officer Tugs and the hounds Transcribed verbatim by: Wildercorps Ranger Shiv Re: Claiming that great big hunk of sky junk. Now just write down what I say, but be sure to make it all posh-like, y’hear? [Unflattering coughing and wheezing […]

Jonathan was gripping the railing of the Le Capitaine Escargot Aéronautique, the company airship that Eleanor had arranged to be his transport for the entirety of the mission. The crew gave him a wide berth; he had been traveling with them for long enough that they knew there was a good chance he was about […]

Jonathan Wadesly yawned, as he clambered gingerly down the stairs into the space below. It was just shortly before sunrise and as usual he was the only one at the shop, as he rented the apartment space directly above it. Carefully setting his candle aside, he pushed the stairs back up, and shut the latch […]

Headquartered in the lofty peaks of Tempest's Eye, Floyde's of Aqshy is a realm-renowned firm of insurers, thief-takers, and security providers. The firm had its humble beginnings beneath the auspices of Floyde's, a dockside tavern popular with captains and businessmen engaged in the skyship trade, where they sold anti-piracy charm plates. These were attached to ships to prevent them from falling prey to piracy and the founders of Floyde's of Aqshy were so confident in their product that they offered to reimburse the loss of any ship that falls prey to piracy while under the protection of their charms. Floyde's of Aqshy has since expanded into other businesses, including the provision of security and logistics services to Sigmarite Crusades.