The Slidecrown SunderingSeize the Crown Virulent Despair(Part 1 | Part 2) At first, the masses of scraggly, hunched things had spooked Choleretch Slugbulk, when this battle had just begun and he and his rival sorcerers had rushed to take their position overlooking the battlefield that these ruins had become. The whole place had been swarming […]
The Slidecrown SunderingSeize the Crown Virulent Despair(Part 1 | Part 2) The men and women of the huntbands surged over the ruins, toppled columns and crumbled walls proving no impediment to the nimble hunter-warriors. With an almost aelven grace, they raced for the piles of rusted scrap and rotten wood that were the enemy’s crude […]
The Slidecrown SunderingSeize the Crown Family Reunion Matlalhuitl, the Saint of Yektiktlan, sat upon his Charming Throne — a construct of palest birchwood boards, intertwined with slender, flowering vines; an elegant tribute to the Everqueen’s grace — and regarded his son and daughter, as they knelt before him, heads bowed in reverence. Upon the high […]

The Slidecrown SunderingCross the Water Prelude to Alliance(Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3) The leader was far more robustly built than its kin, both taller and brawnier, though not so much as the airborne variety. And yet… there was something wrong with it, she could sense. It also had a severed human hand […]

The Slidecrown SunderingCross the Water Prelude to Alliance(Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3) The handful of tzaangors — a mix of enlightened & skyfires — upon their magnificent, floating discs, followed the bat-winged horror as it lurched through the skies with a speed that belied its cumbersome mass. Of course, they could still […]