Scarlet emergency lights flooded the flicker-lit halls of the smoke filled sub-basement forge-halls as scratchy metallic screeching temporarily drowned the whir of pistons and gears. The 518th Union Security Detail began to slide down ladders, mustering the crowds and shouting orders in cupped hands to the workers to grab helmets and tools: House Valencia […]

There are representatives from Shennek-Sharr Realmstone Repository & Loan going to each of the coalitions making offers of loans of realmstone, coinage, and other goods to assist in the monumental task of bringing war to the Bleeding wilds. This is a reputable fiscal institution based out of Feralfang in Ghur. To entreat with one of […]
The Dog-marrow Friends of Bykaal are the groups, settlements, and nomads living around the Shyishian Underworld of Lake Bykaal who are unaffiliated with any of the so-called “Grand Alliances” of the great warring peoples of the realms. Unaffiliated but not unassociated, most non-kneeling natives of the realms, or Mortals Unbound as they sometimes call themselves, […]