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Game Master Notes

This Quest is attached to the Vulkaris Campaign, which you can find here:

Below you’ll fine the two Trails and the Ending that relates to the Path of the Blade.

- The Weaver -

Trial 1 – A Tale of Blades

You are girded and ready for battle. You must prove your mastery of weapons great and small. 

Warcry Instructions

The battle ends after 4 battle rounds. Each time a fighter makes a melee attack action that takes down an enemy fighter, add 1 to that fighter’s blade score. After the battle ends, if the Chosen One has a higher blade score than each other fighter, their player is the winner. Otherwise, the Adversary is the winner.

Spearhead Instructions

Trials that are played in Spearhead use Spearhead: Fire & Jade. The following unique Twist is used across the entire game, in addition to the Twists used per Round:

Blood Must Run: Each time a Chosen One destroys a Unit, add 1 to that Chosen One’s blade score. At the end of the last battle round, the Chosen One who has the highest blade score scores 2 extra victory points.

Path to Glory Instructions

Trials that are played in Age of Sigmar Path to Glory use the battleplans from the Path to Glory Battlepack: Ascension. A Chosen One’s army cannot play the same battleplan twice in a row.


This fighter’s blade hums as it cuts through the air, accentuated by the screams of the dying.

If you win your Trial 1 – A Tale of Blades, you gain the following rewards. Remember, you gain all rewards across all game types, regardless of what game type you played.

Warcry Mythic Trait

This fighter can use this mythic trait once per activation as a bonus action, only if an enemy fighter has been allocated damage points by a melee attack action made by them this activation. Pick another enemy fighter within 2″ of this fighter. Allocate to that enemy fighter a number of damage points equal to half the damage points allocated to the target of that melee attack action.

Spearhead Enhancement

Upgrade one of your General Enhancements to mythic status.

Path to Glory Renown

Your Chosen One gains four Renown points. 

Trial 2 – Harnessing Steel 

Having conquered the self, next you must conquer rebellious steel itself.

Warcry Instructions

The battle ends after 4 battle rounds. Each time the Chosen One makes a melee attack action that takes down an enemy fighter, add 1 to their blade score and allocate 2 damage points to them. At the end of the battle, if the Chosen One has a blade score of 3 or more, their player is the winner. Otherwise, the Adversary is the winner.

Spearhead Instructions

Trials that are played in Spearhead use Spearhead: Fire & Jade. The following unique Twist is used across the entire game, in addition to the Twists used per Round:

Conquered Self: Each time a Chosen One destroys a Unit, add 1 to that Chosen One’s blade score, and allocate 1 point of damage to that Chosen One. At the end of the last battle round, if a Chosen One has a blade score of 3 or more, their player scores 2 extra victory points.

Path to Glory Instructions

Trials that are played in Age of Sigmar Path to Glory use the battleplans from the Path to Glory Battlepack: Ascension. A Chosen One’s army cannot play the same battleplan twice in a row.


This sword is the colour of dried blood. When activated, its wolf-headed hilt begins snarling for slaughter.

If you win your Trial 2 – Harnessing Steel, you gain the following rewards. Remember, you gain all rewards across all game types, regardless of what game type you played.

Warcry Mythic Artefact

Once per battle, the bearer can use this mythic artefact as a bonus action. When they do so, add 2 to the damage points allocated by each hit and critical hit from the next melee attack action made by the bearer this activation.

Spearhead Enhancement

Upgrade one of your General Enhancements to mythic status.

Path to Glory Renown

Your Chosen One gains four Renown points. 

Ending Battleplans

A Dance of Blade

This path has but one ending: a titanic duel between champions that will shake the foundations of the Vulkaris with each shattering blow.

Choose from the following Battleplans based on your chosen game system. Don’t forget to encorporate the Endings rules found in the Vulkaris Rules page.

Warcry Battleplan

(Click me for a bigger version)

Spearhead Battleplan

This Spearhead battle is played in Spearhead use Spearhead: Fire & Jade.

When setting up the terrain for this battle, both Large Terrain pieeces should be placed together at the center of the board. 

A unique Twist is used across the entire game, in addition to the Twists used per Round. Players draw this Twist from the Twist deck that represents the opposite board side (so if you’re playing on the Aqshy side, draw the Twist from the Ghyran Twist deck).

Path to Glory Battleplan

This Path to Glory Ending use the battleplan “A Decisive Battle” from the Path to Glory Battlepack: Ascension. A Chosen One’s army cannot play the same battleplan twice in a row.

Have you played a Trial or Ending on the Path of the Blade?

If you’ve played through or resolved this in any way, be sure to tell us right here on the Quest page, we’d love to know what happened! The results of what happens in the Ending of this Quest will impact the Slekit Spire.

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Burning Templar
4 months ago


The Templars march through the red forest, slaughtering plague monks and burning away corruption both rot and Nullstone, leaving a path of Ash behind.

Trial 1 Templar warcry victory

Last edited 4 months ago by Burning Templar
4 months ago

The Ordofigaidd vanguard is forced into a skirmish with a lumineth realm lords’ scouting party to stop the tribe being discovered by the larger lumineth realm lords’ main force.

Dark oath savages vs lrl
Trial 1 Ordofigaidd warcry victory

Burning Templar
3 months ago


The Templars march deeper into the red woods, cutting down more panicked groups of plague monk defenders whilst preparing for their arcane ceremony.

Trial 2 Templar warcry victory

Burning Templar
3 months ago


Templar Champion Isthubar faces off against a powerful Blightking Blightlord in a deadly duel, and the Templars set in motion their plan to cleanse Vulkaris from the Nullstone.

Templar Warcry Ending Victory.

Broke the magic on the Spire – and channeled it towards the destruction of Nullstone

Last edited 3 months ago by Burning Templar