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Game Master Notes

This Quest is attached to the Vulkaris Campaign, which you can find here:

Below you’ll fine the two Trials and the Ending that relates to the Path of the Crusader.

- The Weaver -

Trial 1 – Pave the Way

Your task is to annihilate those that would deny your god.

Warcry Instructions

The battle ends after 4 battle rounds. At the start of each battle round, the player with initiative picks 1 corner of the battlefield. If that corner has no enemy fighters wholly within 12″ of it at the end of that battle round, add 1 to the Chosen One’s crusade score. At the end of the battle, if the Chosen One has a crusade score of 2 or more and is on the battlefield, their player is the winner. Otherwise, the Adversary is the winner.

Spearhead Instructions

Trials that are played in Spearhead use Spearhead: Fire & Jade

The following unique Twist is used across the entire game, in addition to the Twists used per Round:

Purge the Enemy: At the start of each battle round, the player that won priority picks 1 corner of the battlefield. If that corner has no enemy units wholly within 12″ of it at the end of each player’s turn, add 1 to that player’s Chosen One’s crusade score. At the end of the last battle round, if a Chosen One has a crusade score of 2 or more and is on the battlefield, their player scores 2 extra victory points.

Path to Glory Instructions

Trials that are played in Age of Sigmar Path to Glory use the battleplans from the Path to Glory Battlepack: Ascension. A Chosen One’s army cannot play the same battleplan twice in a row.


These laurels are made from fresh green leaves – or shattered, spiked chains, based on the deity granting them. Regardless of their exact form, they are powerful indeed.

If you win your Trial 1 – Pave the Way, you gain the following rewards. Remember, you gain all rewards across all game types, regardless of what game type you played.

Warcry Mythic Artefact

Laurels of the Faithful: The bearer can use this mythic artefact once per activation as a bonus action. When they do so, pick one: add 2 to the bearer’s Toughness characteristic until the end of the battle round, or add 2 to the bearer’s Strength characteristic until the end of the battle round.

Spearhead Enhancement

Upgrade one of your General Enhancements to mythic status.

Path to Glory Renown

Your Chosen One gains four Renown points. 

Trial 2 – Pantheon’s Task

A divine labour has been laid on your shoulders.

Warcry Instructions

The battle ends after 4 battle rounds. If the Chosen One makes an attack action that takes down an enemy leader and/or a fighter with a Wounds characteristic of 20 or more and/or an enemy fighter with the Priest runemark, add 1 to the Chosen One’s crusade score. At the end of the battle, if the Chosen One has a crusade score of 1 or more and is on the battlefield, their player is the winner. Otherwise, the Adversary is the winner.

Spearhead Instructions

Trials that are played in Spearhead use Spearhead: Fire & Jade.

The following unique Twist is used across the entire game, in addition to the Twists used per Round:

Divine Mandate: If a Chosen one makes a Fight or Shoot ability that destroys a Hero, add 1 to that Chosen One’s crusade score. At the end of the last battle round, if a Chosen One has a crusade score of 1 or more, they score 2 extra victory points.

Path to Glory Instructions

Trials that are played in Age of Sigmar Path to Glory use the battleplans from the Path to Glory Battlepack: Ascension. A Chosen One’s army cannot play the same battleplan twice in a row.


The gods themselves have granted this champion the right to unequivocally decimate any who would threaten or hinder their holy mission.

If you win your Trial 2 – Pantheon’s Task, you gain the following rewards. Remember, you gain all rewards across all game types, regardless of what game type you played.

Warcry Mythic Trait

Beloved of the Gods: Add 1 to the damage points allocated to the attacker for each miss and each hit roll of 1 when the bearer of this mythic artefact makes the ‘Counter’ reaction

Spearhead Enhancement

Upgrade one of your General Enhancements to mythic status.

Path to Glory Renown

Your Chosen One gains four Renown points. 

Ending Battleplans

A Dance of Blade

This path has but one ending: a titanic duel between champions that will shake the foundations of the Vulkaris with each shattering blow.

Choose from the following Battleplans based on your chosen game system. Don’t forget to encorporate the Endings rules found in the Vulkaris Rules page.

Warcry Battleplan

(Click me for a bigger version)

Spearhead Battleplan

This Spearhead battle is played in Spearhead use Spearhead: Fire & Jade.

When setting up the terrain for this battle, both Large Terrain pieeces should be placed together at the center of the board. 

A unique Twist is used across the entire game, in addition to the Twists used per Round. Players draw this Twist from the Twist deck that represents the opposite board side (so if you’re playing on the Aqshy side, draw the Twist from the Ghyran Twist deck).

Path to Glory Battleplan

This Path to Glory Ending use the battleplan “A Decisive Battle” from the Path to Glory Battlepack: Ascension. A Chosen One’s army cannot play the same battleplan twice in a row.

Have you played a Trial or Ending on the Path of the Crusader?

If you’ve played through or resolved this in any way, be sure to tell us right here on the Quest page, we’d love to know what happened! The results of what happens in the Ending of this Quest will impact the Slekit Spire.

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Burning Templar
6 months ago

A unit of Saurus warriors attacked the Templars of Our Burning Saviour on their track to the spires. The attack was quick and vicious, but the heavily armoured Tzaangor crusaders managed to hold the line, driving the Seraphon off and killing many in the process.

Trial 1 Templar warcry victory

Last edited 6 months ago by Burning Templar
5 months ago

War queen Boudica has achieved a Ending and moves onwards to a new path

The attack was quick and vicious, but the lightly armoured faithful managed to slaughter the Skaven and killing many in the process.

Ending Ordofigaidd 2k AOS victory

Mark Goode
Mark Goode
5 months ago

The noble Sworn Brotherhood of the Righteous (Flesh Eater Courts) had to pull back to their valient army after being decimated by Stormcast Eternals in the 2nd battle round. St Augustine, the paragon of shining virtue, the most noble Earl of the Summercourt, vows vengeance on the evil Stormcast for not allowing the Brotherhood to spread their good over the spire.