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Pirates and more!

Pirates, leviathans, and ghoul-infested ships prowl the Searing Sea, endangering Har Kuron’s maritime trade.

Game Master Notes

These notes exist to help you run through the Quest. They are put here by the creator and should give you some direction as to what they had in mind when they created the Quest

It would be amazing to see this played out on the ocean. Unfortunately for you, Razorbride has been telling his tale to anyone that will listen; you will not be alone in your Quest in finding his lost ship.

- The Weaver -

A captain, now without a ship, has washed up on the shores of Har Kuron. Amidst the relatively cold-hearted and practical people of the city, he seems to come up short in finding help, and stands before you, emploring you to help him rescue his ship, what’s left of his crew, and find the treasure that he had on-board.

The captain, who goes by Mandari Razorbride, claims that his ship was overrun by the dead. His crew had been becalmed out at sea for half a week when the dead started to float up from the seabed. They were quickly overrun, and the dead soon took over the vessel. Razorbride along with his crew were thrown overboard and watched the ship sail off into the moonlit night.

Mandari claims that the ship’s holds are full of plunder and that he’d be willing to give some of it to anyone that is willing to actually lend a hand.


Sometimes a Quest creator will tell you what you get for completing the Quest, depending of the outcome of course. If there is nothing, you can obviously create your own rewards, ahhh… imagine the possibilities…

Mandari’s ship holds all manner of artefacts and weapons. Completing the Quest would surely see you well rewarded with an additional Artefact of power or Enhancement. you could theme it pirate-y!

Have you played through this Quest or Rumour?

If you’ve played through or resolved this in any way, be sure to tell us right here on the Quest page, we’d love to know what happened!

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